Mahwah Emergency Medical Services, Inc. is an all volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to providing no cost ambulance service to the residents and visitors of Mahwah.
The Township of Mahwah has two volunteer ambulance stations.(Northside, located on Franklin Turnpike and Southside, located on Fardale Avenue). Each squad is responsible for approximately half of the area of the Township. Both are capable of responding anywhere in the Township as well as supporting mutual aid calls to and from neighboring communities. Both squads answered 2112 calls for calendar year 2024.
In addition to providing emergency care to the residents of Mahwah, we also supply backup coverage to our surrounding communities and standby at numerous functions. MEMS also works closely with the Mahwah Fire Department. At every working fire and rescue operation, the squad provides medical support and "fire rehab".
We encourage you to browse our website and learn more about us.